Local Crime Information
May 2022
Kent Police Update - PCSO Angela Saunders
The Island Speedwatch group continue their efforts to reduce speeding on the Island. In late May, 25 people were recorded driving over 35mph over the bridge onto St Marys Island with the highest speed being 53mph.
Residents are asked to please slow down, the speed limit is 30mph all around the Island.
Members of Speedwatch volunteer as they feel strongly about the speed in which vehicles travel and the safety of residents.
This issue continues to be a focus at each SMIRA Residents’ meeting.
Police Surgeries
SMIRA provided all residents with the latest dates for Police surgeries being held in May and June 2022 by PCSO Ellie Cox. The next surgery will be held at the Sunlight Centre in Gillingham on 10 June between 10am-12 noon.
PCSO monthly reports
SMIRA continues to provide updates from PCSO Saunders on a monthly basis. Please see the official SMIRA Facebook Page for all reports.
My Community Voice
Many residents have joined My Community Voice to keep up to date with the work their local policing teams do and connect with them through a messaging service. It has been brilliant to see residents actively promoting it via the SMIRA official Facebook page.

St Mary's Island (SMI) Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
SMIRA carried out a resident consultation in July 2020 on its island wide neighbourhood watch scheme proposals. The proposals included:​
Sharing information
As part of its information sharing approach SMIRA will:
Register the whole island as one scheme
Act as the lead Neighbourhood Watch controller for the SMI scheme
Ask SMI Sector Representatives to act as information sharers about the new scheme
Create a new crime incident reporting form on the SMIRA website for SMI residents to share information about crime on SMI (this does not replace direct reporting of incidents to the police on 999 and 101)
Information received from the incident form will go directly to CMT and the PCSO
Create new website pages outlining ways to reduce crime on SMI as part of a neighbourhood watch scheme
Continue to utilise its existing residents meetings to discuss crime on the island
Provide residents with Neighbourhood Watch stickers to display in windows
Working with CMT ensure formal Neighbourhood Watch scheme signage is placed around the island