2024 Work Plan
Continue to work closely with Chatham Maritime Trust on key issues affecting the community and maintain representation of SMIRA on the Chatham Maritime Trust Board.
Continue engagement with the PCSO Angela Saunders and connection with Residents.
Continue to engage with our Ward Councillor on their participation in the SMIRA Residents’ meetings, and following up key issues that are raised.
Continue engagement with Speedwatch to support recruitment of more volunteers.
Encourage residents to attend island walks with CMT representatives and to report street repair issues via FixMyStreet and Medway Council.
Continue engagement with Maritime Health Partnership, and securing their attendance at upcoming SMIRA Residents’ meetings during 2024/25.
Continued recruitment of new Board members and volunteers who would like to support the SMIRA work for the community.
Plan community events for 2024/25.
Initiate community engagement activities to support with development of SMIRA Strategy from 2024/25.